Thursday, January 27, 2011

about 3 sheets less that a dozen.(i.e. no point)

  Oh boy! I felt like I had something important to post about, but I just had a fart that may have changed my life forever.... not in a good way. I definetly don't seep spiritual enlightenment out of my colon yet.
  Anyways... burning cd's tonight. was a big day, played call of duty for like 4 hours, than i got out and bought razors and black cd's, eat at the toast, got a cup of coffee, than made a weekly meeting with some friends. So productive! last night i got the john legend/roots album Wake Up! which i love. Thought my mom should hear it so Bam burned that one, also a friend/customer wanted to get a copy of wutang/the beatles which is amazing as well so geuss what..Bam! It happend.
   and now II'm alrteady bored with myself and the keyboard, thinkling i should be shooting a few more internet savvy video gamers on the x-box before i have to force myself to go to sleep tonight. Oh delicious, Coffee how you haunt the depth of my long wintery nights. This is the next artist fallen victim to my indiscriminate sharing. my mom called me tonight to apologize for bringing me to see purple rain when i was 8, i caouldn't take the call because i was busy watching the jersey shore. isn't that a little ironic, well the true irony is that i not only have the soundtrack for purple rain, i actually have a copy of the dvd somewhere, and i watch it about once a year. good luck finding a morris day album worth listening to, his stuff is a little hard to come by, although he still plays out i geuss and went on to create more tunes after that.
  suddenly my inner voice is soundiing like Andy rooney in my head, no i'm not excited by this, but it's funny, until recently(this year) i always thought of mr rooney as lovable. i hadn't watched 60 minutes since chips was on after,(60minutes was my bath time but i always got out in time for andy's ramblings). Any body that can spend 5 minutes talking about shoe laces must be adorable right? that what i think anyways.
  So sorry I'm not more interesting yet, it takes practice and although i had something worth going off on, I forgot it, did i mention i love graffiti yet? Seems like a topic that could easily set up a whole page of text.
  this is thursday, but you'de know that wouldn't you.
  the end
  Oh I remember now. when i was getting a ride home yesterday my friendwas talking about how aweful it was the number of blogs about nothing there were out there, the very day i started this one, a blog about absolutely nothing. and poorly written ! It started to make me think what i might have said 24 hours earlier, of course i went down a road of the rights of ones expressionism, the injustice of the industry which focuses on the talented whilst putting a glove over the mouth of the less talented. I felt it was an oportunity to not mention the great works which were begining to pour off my fingers directly to your eyes. Billy's argument was the level of wasted electricity devoted to terrible topics, Valid I geuss but... untimely.
  And the other thing is this, the writing(typing) makes me feel like there's an end coming. like my sudden urge to share typo's is likely going to create an end to my immortality. like on some secular domnation i am using this space to pass long to future generation that which my own was, as yet, not quite able to comprehend. and in fact, die.
  but maybe thats just conicidence.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


    Ok here we go. Blogging which means, Typing. not so good. maybe i should have played a guitar. started playing a guitar. Well I am at work, just like Clerks "I'm not even supposed to be here today!!"
    good tunes, no bosses, just a huge pile of inventory to clean up. No thug life here, although i might throw some tupac on.
   what am I doing here??? My life is humdrum, I feel a depression coming on here. If the point of a blog is too entertain people with a text about what one know. I'm not going to entertain many people who don't get thrilled reading about a 3o something year old who just plays video games and acts all smug at life.
   just trying out my new blog buttons, amazing how user friendly this google is. Amazung!!!
  this level of typing/thinking is making my brain a little sweaty, ever felt that way?
can't get back to my origami font now. Now? now? now? wtf(what the) oh entertain, i think this is it. people. BAM!
   this is it in real life red. Super Sick!
   Now serious, typing withought purpose takes time. I'm just putting idle chatter into a written form,(type there a correct connentation for that?)    I'm on my secong album already@@! <-- was really looking for 3 ! points here. I started looking back on what i've wrtten so far and it's not pretty. It seems to me that i can't even collect a thought for more than 3 sentences, ... !@<----!
   now for a topick 9

 test topic

i am so savvy

    wheels.......POWER!!!! should i be working right now// ameriker? what d you think?
I'll tell you what I think, if you slouch like me this ketboard arramngement sucks a big one! I'm getting a carpet tunnel in my first hours of blugging. there's no future, this is like a journal without the pressure to ddoodle. can you say sticky keys or what, retarded. absoulutely.
   " If I were ted king i'de have a brother right now.the masterblogger look at that guy, isn't he a dream, i think i actually did dream of ted king once but i'm not sure how it went. prolly somthing like him riding way faster than me and being a lot nicer than i went to sleep."
   Hah! you like that, my first quote, it's like it should say "according to my opinion..." or something snooty but i didn't kjnow what the button did so there,.
    ok i've done It all niow. time for a little worky work