Wednesday, January 26, 2011


    Ok here we go. Blogging which means, Typing. not so good. maybe i should have played a guitar. started playing a guitar. Well I am at work, just like Clerks "I'm not even supposed to be here today!!"
    good tunes, no bosses, just a huge pile of inventory to clean up. No thug life here, although i might throw some tupac on.
   what am I doing here??? My life is humdrum, I feel a depression coming on here. If the point of a blog is too entertain people with a text about what one know. I'm not going to entertain many people who don't get thrilled reading about a 3o something year old who just plays video games and acts all smug at life.
   just trying out my new blog buttons, amazing how user friendly this google is. Amazung!!!
  this level of typing/thinking is making my brain a little sweaty, ever felt that way?
can't get back to my origami font now. Now? now? now? wtf(what the) oh entertain, i think this is it. people. BAM!
   this is it in real life red. Super Sick!
   Now serious, typing withought purpose takes time. I'm just putting idle chatter into a written form,(type there a correct connentation for that?)    I'm on my secong album already@@! <-- was really looking for 3 ! points here. I started looking back on what i've wrtten so far and it's not pretty. It seems to me that i can't even collect a thought for more than 3 sentences, ... !@<----!
   now for a topick 9

 test topic

i am so savvy

    wheels.......POWER!!!! should i be working right now// ameriker? what d you think?
I'll tell you what I think, if you slouch like me this ketboard arramngement sucks a big one! I'm getting a carpet tunnel in my first hours of blugging. there's no future, this is like a journal without the pressure to ddoodle. can you say sticky keys or what, retarded. absoulutely.
   " If I were ted king i'de have a brother right now.the masterblogger look at that guy, isn't he a dream, i think i actually did dream of ted king once but i'm not sure how it went. prolly somthing like him riding way faster than me and being a lot nicer than i went to sleep."
   Hah! you like that, my first quote, it's like it should say "according to my opinion..." or something snooty but i didn't kjnow what the button did so there,.
    ok i've done It all niow. time for a little worky work

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